Procurement law
Are you looking for an expert procurement lawyer? Was your tender for a (European) contract unjustly rejected? If so, look no further than Amice Advocaten. Amice Advocaten assists parties in disputes relating to European or national procurement procedures.
As a law firm, Amice Advocaten in Utrecht has a wide range of knowledge and experience in procurement. We apply this experience when assisting companies in public procurement procedures in particular. Disputes with contracting authorities are not uncommon, when a rejection is regarded as unjustified or in the event of perceived irregularities in the procurement procedure. In such cases, it is essential that the decision to bring legal action is taken quickly, in view of the Alcatel standstill period.
In addition, the regulations on public contracts are changing all the time, and it is not always clear what rules apply to the (European) procurement procedure. The following subjects come up on a regular basis:
- Public contracts and excluded contracts;
- Contract estimate;
- Clustering/splitting, separate award of contracts and extension of existing contract;
- Contents of specifications and contract;
- Ambiguities in notice, specifications or summary of additional information and changes, rectification of errors;
- Requirements made of tenderer and assessment of tenderer;
- Grounds for exclusion, suitability conditions and selection criteria;
- Requirements made of tender (proposal) and assessment of tender;
- Requirements made of the tender, award criteria and MEAT;
- Decisions regarding selection and award;
- Rectification of errors and putting aside of a registration or tender;
- Termination of the procedure;
- Cessation of the procedure, withdrawal of notice or invitation to tender;
- Essential change.
Amice Advocaten has been your expert procurement lawyer for nearly 15 years. If you need an experienced procurement lawyer, why not send us an email at and we will contact you straight away.