International Desks
China Desk
China provides an immense range of possibilities for entrepreneurs. For entrepreneurs wishing to do business in China, or for Chinese entrepreneurs wishing to conduct business in Europe, many issues may be involved.
For many Chinese business partners, the Netherlands is the gateway to Europe. This is not only due to the extensive Dutch port facilities, distribution facilities and other incentives, but this is also due the attractive investment facilities and tax regime of the Netherlands.
Our firm pays special attention to Chinese clients, being either inbound clients, investing in the Netherlands or outbound Dutch clients investing in China.
As mentioned, our firm specializes in, amongst others, all aspects regarding construction and installation, machine industry, real estate and infrastructure. We are the ideal partner for companies searching legal aid and operating in projects for the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) across Europe.
Apart from the above mentioned inbound and outbound services, our China Desk also assists Chinese companies regarding investments and conducting business in the Netherlands.